Open Interest Screener Live | Option Open Interest Screener for NSE India | Book Your Free Demo

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While dealing in the options market, the crucial part is to analyze its conditions using various tools and screeners. An open interest screener can help you identify the number of unsettled options contracts. Talkdelta provides live open interest screener India for option traders. Book your free demo
What is Open Interest in Options Trading and Its Importance?
Let us first understand what open interest is? And then, we shall move towards knowing live open interest screeners in India. So, the open interest is the total number of options or futures contracts that are not settled or executed at their expiry period. The contracts that have not yet been squared off, exercised, and delivered at the time they should be; are listed in the table format on the NSE’s website in India
It helps determine the flow or trend of money flowing into the derivative segment. We can draw several conclusions based on the changes in the live open interest screener values. For example, the high open interest value means the money is coming to the derivative sector. When you see a decline in the open interest, the market is liquidating, implying that the current trend is ending.
The live Option Open Interest Screener would be very useful for those good at technical analysis. Register from our website for free demo
More on Live Open Interest Screener in India for Option Trading
Let us now move to understand the concept of live Open Interest Screener India and how to use it. You will find many choices in the screener. Some are free, while others come with subscriptions. The NSE website also has a screener Chartink where you can filter the options based on the filtering criteria. The NSE's website also allows downloading the .csv file and running any further analysis.
One of the live Open Interest Screeners in India is provided by Chartink. The most flexible and custom screener offers the fastest and most accurate data based on your set filters.
You can select filters based on whether they should pass the given criteria or fail the given criteria. You can see the stock attributes filter criteria such as; industry, symbol, high, close, open, volume, change in their percentage, and many more. In the operations section, you can select the operation you want to perform between the selected options, like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, and many more. The operations are majorly categorized into three main categories: arithmetic, comparisons, and crossovers.
In Option Open Interest Screener in India, you must select two values to compare and get accurate data. You will see various indicators such as SMA, RSI, MACD, ADX, and others. Choose based on the one you use for your technical analysis and provide their values, for example, RSI 14. Open Interest Screener Chartink will have a default value in each of the parameters you choose. Still, as we said, it is the most flexible live screener in India now; it gives you the liberty to select the value according to your trading goals. You can also filter options contract from NSE website which can be used for analysis.
Benefits of Open Interest Screener NSE India
The most flexible live Open Interest Screener Chartink in the Indian market is available for free.
You can add an n-number of filters to get accurate results.
You can choose whether your data should pass all the stated filtering criteria or any of them.
Option to save your filters.
Provision to create an alert when any or all of the set criteria are met in the options.
Easily add or delete any set filter.
Concluding this topic, do not get confused between the open interest and volume in the options market, as they both are different. When traders in India study both values, it gives them a clear picture of whether the market is bearish or bullish.
We hope you now have a fair idea of the open interest screener concept in the stock market. When you observe a huge open position, try not to enter the market. In situations like this, the smallest trigger in the price change can lead to panic among the traders, and the market may crash. Thus, use the live stock screener Chartink in the best effective way and finalize the options to trading in NSE India. Book your free demo by filling the your details from website.
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