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TalkOptions - A new add-on in Talkdelta Prime

TalkDelta continuously gains trust among traders and investors as it offers an outstanding level of customization. It helps make various calculations for your position, such as Greek analysis, simulation, Trade trail, expenses related to the trade, delta-neutral calculations, and much more within the blink of an eye.

The Greek options traders and arbitrageurs make optimum use of the TalkDelta Prime tool for analyzing their positions, as it gives quick results that help them make faster trading decisions. TalkDelta Prime can also be very useful for calculating Delta neutral calculations, implementing various Options hedging strategies, and minimizing the overall risk of the trade. More than 70 Brokers all over India make their trades and operate their operations based on the calculations provided by TalkDelta prime.

To encourage more and more traders to use TalkDelta Prime, we have moved one step further and have come up with many enhanced online options trading analysis tools. Let us check what new updates are available with TalkDelta Prime on this page.

1. Option chain

An option chain, also commonly known as an options matrix, offers a list of all the open option contracts available for every security. It shows data such as put and call options, expiry dates, strike prices, Volumes, and pricing details. TalkDelta Prime option chain feature will provide the traders with the different strike prices, open interest values, percentage change in open Interest, Implied volatility, the price on which stock was last traded, and change in LTP. All this information will help traders to make better and more profitable decisions.

Special features:

  • Shows support and resistance levels

  • It gives the brief of spot and future price

  • Shows data having a high volume with their strike price

  • Open Interest

  • Volume

  • Reflects the Live LTP or any change in LTP

  • It shows the live volatility and implied volatility.

How can option chains be beneficial to you?

Option chain can be very useful to traders in many ways, such as listed below:

  • It gives a complete picture of all the crucial statistics results of the underlying stock at one single place or window.

  • It helps in knowing how liquid the option contracts are at various strike prices.

  • With the availability of different strike prices, traders can quickly build option strategies, such as strangles, and learn which can be profitable.

  • It helps check the depth of the contracts at a particular strike price.

2. Historical IV analysis

Historical volatility measures the price fluctuations of the underlying asset in a given period. The historical data is used to predict future volatility or implied volatility. When the historical volatility rises, the underlying stock price will also rise. On the opposite side, things return to what they were when the historical volatility falls. Let us see what special features you get with this add-on.

Special features:

  • Offers Historical implied volatility analysis for the last 365 days.

  • Analysis based on Scrip-wise and expiry-wise

  • Make your custom graphs.

  • Indication of implied volatility: high, low, average on call and put options contract

How can Historical IV analysis be beneficial to you?

  • It helps in identifying the price deviation from the average

  • When you see the rise in historical volatility, it implies that the stock prices are also moving up.

  • When you see the historical value falling, it implies that uncertainties are removed, and the market is coming back to normal.

  • It can be beneficial in predicting the future volatility of any stock or index you plan to invest in.

3. Open Interest

Open interest can be understood as the total number of options and futures contracts still held by the market at the end of the trading day. It helps in identifying the market sentiment and strength of the price trends. It is not an indicator of a bearish or bullish market forecast. The main goal of using open interest is to check the liquidity of that contract.

Special features:

  • Best graphical presentation of the OI data

  • Aids in built-up analysis

  • Use high Open interest to identify the call and put strikes

  • Get the expiry-wise analysis

  • Get the charts of open interest analysis

  • Get support and resistance based on open interest

How can open interest be beneficial to you?

  • The market can be bullish if the open interest and the stock price rise.

  • Suppose the open interest falls and the stock price rises; the market is bullish but may turn bearish.

  • The market is said to be bearish if the open interest rises and the stock price decreases sharply.

  • If both the open interest and the stock price falls, the market is said to be bearish.

4. IV Skew Analysis:

The implied volatility forecasts the future potential price movement of underlying stocks. Various factors play a crucial role in calculating implied volatility, such as demand, supply, and time value. Traders can also use implied volatility to decide the price of the premiums on the option contacts—high volatility results in a higher premium, and low volatility results in lower premium prices. A trader can see different information in the graphical form, such as call and puts IV, LTP, and any changes in LTP for different strike prices. Let us see what special features you can expect!

Special features:

  • Script wise analysis

  • Expiry wise analysis

  • Different strike price

  • Implied volatility

  • LTP

  • The change in the LTP

  • The average implied volatility of the day for the calls and puts.

How can Implied volatility skew analysis be beneficial to you?

  • It helps in measuring the uncertainty in the market’s sentiments

  • IV Skew Analysis helps in identifying the strike prices that are uncertain and can be risky

  • It further helps traders to see the Implied volatility of the strike price of call and put options in a graphical form.

  • It provides the average implied volatility of the call and put option on the same trading day.

5. IV Screener:

As we said, implied volatility can forecast the likelihood of a price change in the underlying stock's future. It is often used to determine the contract's price by keeping the high price of the high-volatile stock and the low price for the low-volatility stock. The implied volatility screener helps determine the best option among all available options.

Special features:

  • The screener helps you in providing the sector-wise analysis

  • Scrip-wise Analysis can also be made

  • It gives you the choice of auto filters based on the volatility

  • Check the live implied volatility

  • LTP

  • Various high and low volumes, such as 10/30/100/200 days

  • At-the-money strike prices

How can the implied volatility screener be beneficial to you?

There are many ways an implied volatility screener can help a trader, such as below:

  • It helps traders to analyze the sector-wise implied volatility of the stocks

  • It helps in filtering the sudden rise or fall in implied volatility.

  • Helps in predicting the next day’s script- volatility

  • Helps in providing the historical sector-wise high and low IV data

  • It helps traders to filter the higher and lower volatility than the predicted one.

6. IV Range Predictor:

The range predictor is the best feature as it calculates the upper and lower range of the price fluctuations within which the price will move. It helps in calculating the entry price. The upside probability predictor calculates the stock price movement above the upper limit. The downside probability predictor calculates the potential movement of the stock price below the lower limit.

Special features:

  • Probable IV Range

  • Shows the winning percentage

  • Call option IV percentage

  • Put options IV percentage

  • Call option and put options Target IV Percentage

  • Defines the upside and downside range

What benefits can you expect from an IV Range Predictor?

  • The price probability lets the trader know the chances of the stock remaining in the specific range.

  • Traders get an estimate of the price range of the specific Scrip price.

  • These details help traders to make effective and strong trading strategies.

  • The upside probability calculates the probability of the stock price going above the upside limit.

  • The downside probability calculates the probability of the stock going down below the lower limit.

7. Option Price Probability :-

The option price probability is defined as the likelihood of occurrence of an event within a specific time frame, expressed in terms of percentage. Option price probability predicts where the script will lie within the up and downside range. It indicates the percentage of chance, that the stock price you selected will remain in the range you entered.

Special features:

  • Provides the scrip-wise analysis

  • Shows the last traded stock price.

  • Probability from the days to expire

  • The probable range of script

  • Percentage of price probability.

What benefits can you expect from the option price probability?

  • It helps traders know that the selected stock price will stay within the range for a specific time.

  • With the help of this analysis, traders can build the strategies like Ratio spread, bull spread, and bear spread.

  • Ultimately the traders get an idea of the price range of a specific scrip price.

8. Screener:-

A stock screener is a tool that helps traders to identify the best stock to trade in from the total available. The stock screener shows the highest-performing and worst-performing stocks of the day. It helps traders to check the top open interest gainer and losers of the day. Let us check the special features of the stock screener.

Special feature:

  • Provides Scrip-wise analysis

  • Reflects the top price gainer

  • Reflects the top price loser

  • Shows the best open-interest gainer contracts

  • Shows the open interest loser contracts

What benefits can a trader expect from the stock screener?

  • Traders can check the top gainer and loser with a single click, and on the same window, they are no longer required to go and search for the top gainer on other platforms.

  • The top gainer and loser data help the trader make strategies such as Bull call spread, bear call spread, ladder, and ratio spread.

  • Stocks having a high open interest value have greater chances of price rise and vice versa.

9. Built-up Analysis:

A long build-up is when you see a rise in the open interest and volumes along with the increase in the underlying stock price of futures and options. Short covering means that the trader is buying the stock to square off their positions. Due to the high number of short positions generated in the market, people see the market in a positive way and start buying the stock; this type of situation is known as short covering.

Special features:

  • Built-up analysis of Nifty and bank nifty

  • A scrip-wise analysis made easy

  • The long and short build-up

  • Short covering data

  • Long unwinding

How can built-up analysis be helpful to you as a trader?

  • Long Built-up is helpful in identifying a bullish stock.

  • Short covering helps traders to identify the stock from bearish to bullish

  • Short built-up and long unwinding are used to find the bearish scrips

  • And lastly, the long unwinding is used for filtering bearish from bullish.

10. Ban List:

When the NSE announces any stocks as Ban in such a case, traders cannot buy or enter into the new future and options market, or they will be penalized. The only thing traders can do is either exit from the market or square off their positions while the stocks are banned. The NSE ban list section in TalkDelta Prime will give you the market-wide position limit (MWPL) for 194 derivatives of NSE-listed stocks. It will also provide you with the data of any stock that can enter the ban list soon.

Special features:

  • Get the list of all NSE-banned securities

  • Get the probable securities who might get Ban in the near future

  • Know which securities can exit the ban list

  • Get MWPL data for all the stock

How can the ban list be helpful to the trader?

  • Traders get the idea of ban securities and preventing themselves from being penalized.

  • Brief traders about which securities have the highest possibility of entering into the ban list, so they can avoid entering their trades.

  • Provides the details about the securities that can exit from the ban list.

  • If the security is listed in the ban list, traders are not allowed to make any new entries in futures and options contracts, or they get penalized. Thus, this data is very crucial to keep an eye on.

11. Pivot Points:

Traders use the pivot technical analysis indicator or calculations for determining the overall market trend for different time frames. It is calculated using the average stock price of the previous day’s high and low closing prices. It provides a platform to predict the support and resistance level in the market.

Special features:

  • Helps in providing the scrip wise analysis

  • Provides expiry-wise analysis

  • offers open high and low close data of the scrip

  • Provides the classic and Fibonacci support and resistance levels

How Pivot Points Help traders?

  • It helps provide the stock prices of previous days, like open price, highest price, lowest price, and closing price.

  • It helps traders in knowing the support level of the stock and further helps in making a short entry if the resistance level is broken.

  • In cases where the resistance levels have broken strongly, traders can plan a long entry into that stock.

  • Helps the traders to avoid ineffective entry and exit points.

12. Ratio Analysis

Ratio analysis is a strategy to use in the bearish and bullish outlook; it involves buying call options and put options that are at-the-money or out-of-the-money and selling one or more at out-of-the-money prices to make a profit. When you deal with the call options, it is known as the call ratio spread; when you deal with the put options, it is referred to as the put ratio spread. The call ratio spread is used in the bullish market, and the put ratio spread is used in the bearish market.

Special features:

  • Helps provide the Scrip-wise analysis

  • Helps in providing the expiry-wise analysis

  • Provides different strike prices

  • Provides the data on credit and debit ratios.

How can ratio analysis be helpful to traders?

  • Ratio analysis provides traders with a completely calculated list of debit and credit ratios.

  • Traders can avail of the readymade list of the ratio spreads.

  • Helpful for traders to identify the pre-share credit and debit ratios.

  • The scrip-wise and expiry-wise data are already there.

13. Put call- Ratio

The put call ratio is a derivative indicator that measures the ratio of the put open interest on a given day to the call open interest on the same day. It is calculated by factoring the open interest with the volume of options. It is designed to know the market sentiments effectively.

This ratio helps traders to check the bearishness or bullishness in the market.

Special features:

  • Offers scrip-wise analysis

  • Provides the Put call ratio of the stocks

  • Provides the put-call ratio of the index

  • It helps in filtering the stocks based on their put-call ratio values.

How can put call ratio help the traders?

  • It helps traders to know whether the stock is bullish, bearish, or neutral.

  • If the PCR of the stock is between 0 to 0.5, then it is a bullish market, where traders can enter the long position.

  • If the PCR of the stock is between 0.5 to 1, it is referred to as neutral stock.

  • If the stock’s PCR value is above 1, it is referred to as bearish stock.

  • So based on this value, traders can place their trade and profit.

14.FII DII Analysis:

FII and DII stand for foreign Institutional Investors and Domestic Institutional Investors, respectively. Both play a significant role in our stock market. The funds which are invested in foreign Institutes fall under the FII category, and those falling under domestic institutions, such as mutual funds, and pension funds, are part of DII. In both categories, the amount of investments is very high and impossible for a single trader. Knowing their inflows and outflows can help traders to predict the market in a broader sense.

Special features:

  • Provides the FII and DII daily activities

  • Provides the historical data of FII and DII

  • Buy and sell activities in the FII and DII index and stocks

How can the data of FII and DII be helpful for traders?

  • Traders get a detailed analysis of FII and DII investments in the future and options and other securities.

  • The data is based on the trades executed by banks, mutual funds institutes, pension systems, and insurance companies.

  • Traders get the overall market trend and can base their decisions on this data.

15. Heat Map:

Heatmap is reviewing and analyzing the 2-dimensional data with the various color combinations. Different colors represent different factors in the market. Heat maps gather the data of the top gainer stock based on the percentage gain or loss. It provides complete information on the top gainer and losers and the built-up analysis.

Special features:

  • Offers index-wise analysis and scrip-wise analysis

  • Offers top gainers and top losers

  • Gives built-up analysis

  • Different volumes and prices

How can a heat map be useful for traders?

  • The heat map graph shows the top gainer and loser stock based on the percentage gain or loss.

  • Traders get the built-up analysis along with the heat map

  • Traders can view the stock entering the long build-up, short covering, long unwind, and short build-up with their percentage change in the price of the stock.

16. Max Pain:

Max pain is also known as the option pain price. It is the strike price at which most of the call and put options are open until their expiry. This price can lead to substantial financial losses for many traders during expiry. When many contracts bend towards the strike price, they expire worthlessly. According to one research, only 10% of the contracts are executed, 30% expire worthlessly, and the remaining 60% are closed before expiry.

Special features:

  • It gives the details of scrip wise analysis

  • Offers various strike prices

  • Provides the strike prices with the CP and PP data

How can the max pain data help traders?

  • This is the point where a large number of contracts expire worthless, causing a substantial financial loss to the contract holders.

  • Based on the availability of this data, traders can define their profit and loss strategies.

  • Some smart traders check this data first and then begin their trade.

  • Max pain data helps traders know the stock's direction or trend.

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